Yeshiva of Newark Podcast

Yeshiva of Newark Podcast
Copyright: Avramel Kivelevitz
2290 Indexed Broadcasts
23 Transcribed (1.0%)

Rischa D'Araisa-Season 6-Episode 14-Upsherins/Suedos Chanukah/Shavuos Mishmarim/An appeal to be included in the Cherem on the Peshuto Shel Mikra Chumash

about a year ago

Tshuvos and Poskim-Analyzing Birchas “Sheasah Nisim”of Chanukah- Highlighting and understanding a most illuminating Tshuva of Rav Akiva Eiger by Rav Moshe Don Kestenbaum -Rosh Yeshiva, Ohr Yitzchok, Passaic/Newark

about a year ago

Tshuvos and Poskim-Changing your seat in Shul during the Aveilus Year-A Shiur In Badei HaShulchan dedicated lielui Nishmas Rav Shraga Feivel Cohen Z'l-presented by his son Rav Avraham Yeshaya Cohen Shlita

about a year ago

Emeritus Rex-Hot Button Issues for the newest Israeli Government-Not everything that is right is Smart

about a year ago

The Projectionist Has Semicha-56-6 Quick Hits-1951's Ivanhoe-1937's Love is News-1949's-It's a Great Feeling-1955's Revenge of the Creature-1949's Caught-1965's First Season of Lost in Space

about a year ago

Standing in Two Worlds-Episode 70-The thermo-therapeutic -dynamic of Jewish Stand-up Humor

about a year ago

Gaonic Literature-Episode 22-Thinking and Speaking and Writing in Acrostic and Rhyme-Piyut and Shirah-Rediscovering Classics of Meter and Construction and Halachic Erudition

about a year ago

Tshuvos and Poskim....Ha Nairos Halalu Kodesh Heim....... But Bedeved! Cutting the Shemen Zayis down to size-with the STAR K's Rabbi Tzvi Rosen Shlita

about a year ago

Emeritus Rex- Green Crypto-Night-Chomping on SBF and Gazing at Garoppolo

about a year ago

The Projectionist Has Semicha-55-Nice Native Americans and Nasty Neanderthals-Jack Arnold's 1958 Monster on the Campus and George Stevens' 1935 Annie Oakley

about a year ago