The Breathing 411

Become More You, Deep Changes, and Benefiting Those We Encounter

Broadcast on:
22 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

Breath Learning Center

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Hi, it's Nick, welcome back to another episode of The Breathing 411. Let's jump straight into this week's four thoughts. The first one is titled "Become More and More You." And here is the quote, "The film director David Lynch formulated it most compellingly when he told me, 'The thing about meditation is, you become more and more you.'" So you should not have the slightest concern about meditating in ways that suit you and are to your liking, end quote. And that is Stephen Laurie's M.D. from his book, The No Nonsense Meditation Book, which is a really great book. And that quote is just so good, right? You do not have to worry about meditating in ways that are perfect for you, right? Because it is about becoming more and more you. And of course, that applies perfectly to breathing exercises as well. So with that in mind, we might ask ourselves, how could I tailor my breathing or meditation practice or yoga or whatever it might be to better suit my unique self, remembering that it's about becoming more of who we are, not more of what someone else is, right? So keep that in mind as you practice each morning. And with that, let's move on to thought number two. It is titled Getting Deep Physical and Psychological Changes. And here is a quote. As the breath is the link between the body and mind, it can intervene in the activities of either level. With increased awareness and control of the subtle aspects of breathing, these interventions can affect deep physical and psychological changes. End quote. And that is John Clark M.D. from The Science of Breath. I just love that. As the breath is the link between the body and mind, it can intervene in the activities of either level. That is a potent reminder of why the breath is so powerful, right? So just be sure you use it wisely a little bit today and all this week because of course it is the link between body and mind can affect deep physical and psychological changes. So good. Let's move on to thought number three. It's titled The Immediate Influence of the Divine. And here's a quote. Taken more spiritually, inspiration means to breathe life into. An ancient interpretation defines it as the immediate influence of the divine. End quote. And that is Rick Rubin from the creative act. And this is just a reminder right that at any moment, we can experience quote, the immediate influence of the divine end quote by bringing all our attention to the act of inhalation via mindfulness of breathing. It's that simple. Breathe in as Ticknott Han says, breathe in and know that you are breathing in and you touch mindfulness and you can also touch the immediate influence of the divine. I love that. And of course, Rick Rubin's book, The Creative Act is so good. So go check it out. All right. Let's move on to thought. Benefit every person we encounter. And here's a quote, breathing, the common everyday act of inhaling and exhaling a breath has the ability to be something that benefits not just me or you. It can benefit every person we encounter, end quote. And that is from Reverend Duffy Pete. And this is just another excellent reminder that our breathing and meditation practices go beyond our personal wet, like just us, right? Because these practices make us calmer. They make us more joyful, more loving, more attentive. They actually benefit everyone we encounter, not just ourselves. So make sure you're remembering that as you prioritize your practice is not just about you, right? It's not the most selfish thing ever because it is actually helping you be a better person so that you may benefit everyone you encounter by being calmer, more loving, giving more attention, you know, maybe laughing more, providing a sense of humor. All of those things, a simple breathing or meditation practice contribute to. So keep that in mind. And that is it for the four thoughts. So let's move on to the one quote for this week. Here it is, quote, so try to remember every day that you are participating in meditation and even at breakfast, at work, at school, in the garden everywhere. End quote. And that is Ecknith Ishwarren. And that is so good. And it goes perfectly with that previous thought, right? It's benefits everywhere. And we encounter and just remember that everywhere you're participating in meditation because how you act during the day will influence how well you meditate in vice versa, right? So or breathe or whatever, Ecknith Ishwarren talks about meditation. But I think that applies beautifully to any type of contemplative practice you may be into. All right. And finally, let's end with the one answer for this week. The category is the nose, which I think has been the category several weeks at a row now. And here is the answer, physiological reflexes that occur due to changes in our body position, such as going from like sitting to lying down or from lying or just going to lie on one side. These changes can impact this and hence can impact nasal congestion. What is airflow? And I found these named, like, corporo nasal reflexes or something, but then I couldn't tell if that was really their name. So I decided just to reword it, but it's an interesting aspect. Like if you lay on your left side, your right nostril will open up more. That's just because I guess gravity causes more blood flow to go down into your left nostril. If you're on your left side and that opens up your right one a little bit more. Pretty neat. But then with time, the body will compensate and that will actually flip anyways. It was really interesting and it didn't make perfect sense to be right, but those reflexes are pretty neat. It can change body position. It can change how well you breathe through your nose. And yeah, that is it for this week. Oh, let's recap, of course, right? Remember that all of our practices are about becoming more and more us, right? You don't have to worry about finding. Is this one right? I need to find one I like, right? Find it. Yeah. Keep looking, right? Don't try to force yourself into someone else's system. You can always find a way to meditate. That is to your liking because it's about becoming more you. Remember that breath is the link between body and mind. So it can intervene in activities at either level. That is what makes it so powerful. If you feel so inspired, you might treat each inhale as an act, immediate influence of the divine and remember that all of our breathing and meditation and all this isn't just about us, right? It's about benefiting everyone we encounter. So with that, if you want some more tools for living a well lived life through breathing, and meditation, check out the breath learning center at It's just a simple and effective path to better living based on things I've found have worked. Super simple, super straightforward, and hopefully really inspiring and really practical. So go check it out and always check out the breathing app for diabetes. If you have type one or type two or any type of diabetes, go check out the breathing app for diabetes, see if it looks right for you, simple breathing exercises and mindfulness practices and science from yours truly. So go check that out in the breathing exercises come from Eddie Stern, the science from me. So go check that out and just thank you as always for listening. I'll see you next week. [BLANK_AUDIO]