The Breathing 411

One of My New Favorites, Inhale, and 3 Reminders to Exhale

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23 Sep 2024
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Hi, it's Nick, welcome back to another episode of The Breathing 411, starting with the four thoughts and the first one is one of my new top five favorite studies plus one dollar. And so here is a quote, "When you control your breath, what you are actually doing is taking your brainwaves in hand and tethering the rate of their fluctuations to your breathing rate." End quote. And that is Caroline Williams from The Great Book Move. And the research Williams is referencing in that quote is a 2018 study that found that nasal airflow stimulation led to significant increases in theta and delta brainwaves while also inducing an altered state of consciousness. Yes, that's crazy. And it's one of the coolest studies I've ever read, I got it and read it. You can go read it, there's a link back in the blog post, or if you would like, you can get my review of it available as an article online, a PDF or a 13 minute podcast, which basically tries to break it down in layman terms, make it easy to understand, and then provide practical ways to apply the findings in your life and you can get it for just a dollar. Go check it out, there's a link here in the podcast show notes or on the blog itself or if you get it in the email, the newsletter. So just a buck and you can get access to the PDF, the web version and the audio. You can download them or just access them online however you want. So go check that out. It's a fascinating study. It's so cool and it's just worth nerding out on. If you like nasal breathing and with that, let's move on to the second thought. It is titled inhaling is a spiritual practice and here's a quote with mindfulness. You breathe in and there you are well established in the here and the now breathing in touching your full aliveness is a spiritual practice in quote. And that is tick not Han from pieces, every breath. And that's so good. Right. And it reminded me of this wisdom that I've shared before in the newsletter from Rick Rubin as he says, quote, taken more spiritually. Inspiration means to breathe life into an ancient interpretation defines it as the immediate influence of the divine in quote. That's so good. So both of those are perfect reminders that we can experience the immediate influence of the divine and touch our full aliveness, right at any moment by practicing mindfulness of breathing. And with that, let's move on to the third thought for this week. I've been on a roll with these little reminders to do different things. So this week, it is three reminders to exhale since we just talked about inhaling. So here's the first one. Here is a metaphor for saying extend your exhale, which we know is relaxing and we can apply this metaphor to all aspects of a life here it is, give more than you receive. Breathe out a little bit more than you breathe in. Right. That is a great way of putting it. All right. Let's move on to the second one. And this one is a quote for the lungs to draw in air. They must first be emptied. And that is from Rick Rubin. And then the third and final reminder to exhale this week is here, quote, the key to breathing lung expansion and the long life that came with it was on the other end of respiration. It was in the transformative power of a full exhalation, end quote. And that is James Nestor from breath. All right, those are your three reminders to exhale. Let's move on to the fourth and final thought for this week. It is titled better friends with everybody around us. And here's a quote, joyfulness keeps the heart and face young. A good laugh makes us better friends with ourselves and everybody around us. End quote. And that is Orison sweat, Martin, and to wrap up, this is just your quick reminder to take part in the most therapeutic breathing exercise of all, which is, of course, laughing. So make sure you laugh a little bit and enjoy your week. And with that, that is the four thoughts. Let's move on to the one quote for this week. Here it is, quote, mindfulness allows us to recognize our options, choose our responses wisely and take control over the direction of our lives. End quote. And that is from a book called the mind illuminated. And that's so good. That is the power, right, that allows us to recognize our options, choose our responses wisely and take control of the direction of our lives. That is so good. And it sounds like a pretty useful practice reading it that way, right? All right, let's move on to the. So that's it for the one quote. Let's move on to the one answer for this week. The category is brain and the answer is sort of similar, basically the same as last week, but a slight change. All right, here's the answer. These rhythmic patterns of electrical activity, also known as neural oscillations, are generated by neurons and help send information across different regions of the brain. What are brain waves? So last week it was, I think, theta brain waves. This week is just brain waves in general. And that is it for this week. Quick recap, remember, go check out that study on nasal breathing in brain waves. You can get my review for a buck and I think it's well, well worth it. I've put hours and hours and hours into it. So I think a dollar isn't much to ask if you enjoy this nerding out stuff, but yeah, if not go read the study because the study of course is all technical and stuff, but it's it's got some really cool finding. So go check that out. Remember that inhaling is a spiritual practice that we can literally touch our full aliveness and have the immediate influence of the divine by just mindfully inhaling. Remember to exhale after that, right, that we need that full exhalation. That is where the transformative power of breathing comes from. Remember to laugh because it makes us better friends with everybody around us. So with that, thank you as always for listening. I'll see you next week.